Responsible Lending: Take a moment to decide if Lending Stream is right for you. Short term loans are an expensive form of borrowing and may not be suitable for you, especially if you're in financial difficulty.
Lending Stream is a trading name of GAIN Credit LLC.Contact Address: Lending Stream, PO Box 10756, LEICESTER, LE3 4GX | Registered Address: 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA | Registered in the State of Delaware, USA | Registration Number: 4124111. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration Number 689378.
*We send cash to your bank in under 90 seconds if you are approved. It may take longer to reach your account depending on your bank's processes.
#Call charges apply. Standard charges from landlines, mobiles and other providers may vary.
1 New customers can borrow between £50 to £800, existing and returning customers can borrow from £100 to £1500.