Debt management advice introduction
If you’re having difficulty managing your debt, that can be stressful and exhausting. But you may be able to turn things around through a mixture of communication and perseverance.
Please note that the following does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research into financial matters to find the right solution for your personal circumstances. While we are linking to some websites that you might find useful or interesting, we are not responsible for what they publish on their own websites.
You may find some of the following links useful. They’re not-for-profit organisations recommended by the Financial Conduct Authority and provide free, confidential and impartial debt advice.
The Financial Conduct Authority recommends contacting the following not-for-profit organisations for free, confidential and impartial debt advice, or for details of where to get such advice in your area.dit score.
We don’t guarantee that you’ll be able to borrow the amount you apply for, even if approved. You may be approved for a lower amount, depending on your current financial situation and how much we believe you can repay.
For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice, visit or phone 0300 500 5000 to speak to a Money Adviser.
If you live in Scotland, phone 0141 572 0237 or visit to find contact details for debt advice in your local area.
If you live in Northern Ireland, phone 0800 028 1881, email or visit for debt advice.
Member centres offer debt advice including specialist advice for minority communities and people with disabilities – visit or phone 0300 777 0107.
For free debt advice in your home, check post code coverage at then call 0800 328 0006.
For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau (address in the phone book) or go to
If you live in England, Wales or Scotland phone 0808 808 4000 or visit for debt advice and information.
For debt advice throughout the UK phone 0800 138 1111 or visit